I am Rising Up - Sharon Shomaker
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Blog (Beats of my heart)
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Blog (Beats of my heart)
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"The Beauty is in the Flaws" - Carey Dean
Welcome beautiful sister! I’m so excited that you are here. The journey that you are about to go on is going to be life changing and the purpose of these benchmarking questions plays two parts in the process.
The first part is that it is an opportunity to piece together a timeline of your life. Just like a tree holds wisdom within its rings that tells us about the external conditions that affected its growth, our body holds this information within its stories and experiences.
By using these questions to access your collection of experienes, we get an opportunity to look at your life as if looking at the rings of a tree. Within those rings, we can see where conditions have contributed to immense growth, where they have restricted growth, and we can even see where traumatic events have left deep scars.
Since walking down memory lane will bring your awareness to things that you haven't thought about for a while, this inquiry is likely to bring up some big emotions. I want to acknowledge how courageous you are for being willing to dig deep and also remind you that you are safe to see and to feel what comes up in this process. If you are feeling resistance, take a moment to sit with it and know that I am here with you and I have created a space that is free from judgement and shame. Just like no one would blame the tree for what has been recorded within its rings, there is no room for anything but deep acceptance for the conditions and experiences that have shaped you. And like those magnificent trees, you have weathered many storms and still remain standing. I hope that you can see what a beautiful expression of nature you are!
Now for the second part. Oftentimes, after we begin a journey of transformation, we’ll make so many changes that we lose sight of how far we have come. Once you’ve overcome the things that have held you back, committed to living more aligned with the highest version of yourself, and you’ve stepped more fully into your power, it can be hard to imagine that you’ve lived your life any other way. I am so ready to help you navigate to that place! Once you are there, benchmarking helps us to see where you started and how far you’ve come.
As you work your way through these questions, allow yourself to drop in as deeply as you can into what comes up. Celebrate the parts that feel like wins, honor the parts that bring up tears, and remember that
of the parts are what brought you to where you are now and without them, you wouldn’t be who you are today. And in case you forgot, you are one strong, amazing, and beautiful human that I'm so honored to go on this journey with.
Contact Information
Indicates required field
Phone Number
Mailing Address
Birth Information
Date of Birth
in DD/MMM/YYYY format (ex: 25/JUN/1979)
Time of Birth (AM/PM)
Place of Birth
City, State (closest large city and not a suburb)
Her -story
From the womb to now and everything in between, creates a story that is uniquely yours. Please share some of your unique story below.
What do you know about your birth?
Vaginal, C-section, vacuum, was labor fast or drawn out, hospital? Please share anything
that you have information about.
How many siblings do you have?
Older, younger, where are you in birth order?